lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015




Let's play 


In the comments write the diferences between countables and non-countables nouns. 

41 comentarios:

  1. the differece among conuntable and uncountable noun is:
    the countables nouns can count with the numbers, unlike, the uncountable nouns use exact measurement.
    other difference is, with the countables nouns we can use a or an,while, with uncountables nouns cann´t use them.
    the countables nouns have a plural form.

  2. Accounting substantive can be counted ( a car, two bees ) and Countless need a paragraph expressing amount modifier (a glass of water).
    The words like sugar and money are countless in Spanish , since we can not say two sugars , three money .

    English also exist and have the following characteristics :

    They can be used to Articles a, an - is incorrect to say to money can not be pluralized . - It is incorrect to say three electricities " They take singular verb . The sugar is . - It is incorrect to say The sugar are ...

    1. Nouns: countable and uncountable …
      Countable nounsSome nouns refer to things which, in English, are treated as separate items which can be counted. These are called countable nouns. Here are some examples: …
      Uncountable nounsIn English grammar, some things are seen as a whole or mass. These are called uncountable nouns, because they cannot be separated or counted. …
      Countable and uncountable nouns with different meaningsSome nouns can be used either countably or uncountably, but with different meanings.

  3. It is necessary to correctly understand the difference between countless and accounting to properly express quantities.
    We can separate the names into two groups: the countless and accountants.

    Accountants are those names of things, people, etc we can tell. For example we can say: one pencil, two pencils, three pencils ... So we say that pencil is an accountant.
    chair, book, cat, pen, letter box ...

    Countless is anything that we can not tell. For example we can not say one rice, two rices, three rices. Then we say that rice is uncountable.
    salt, wood, tea, wine, sugar, oxygen, advice, bread, furniture, hair, information, money, news, spaghetti, weather, rice

  4. Accounting nouns are those that can be counted. It is possible to establish du number in units such as a dog , a car ..
    Countless nouns are those who can not determine their numbers in units such as milk. The snow

  5. the uncountable nouns refer to things, objects that are difficult to quantifyas air or salt; and the countables nouns referto what can be counted or divided in units for exampleanimals or apples.

  6. As its name implies, the countable refer to those things that can be counted or divided by some amount, so do not need a special unit to be counted. By contrast, uncountable nouns are very difficult to count. countable some examples Three books Three combs Three courses A Sound You Sal

  7. countable:
    The count nouns are easy to recognize, they are things we can tell, merged or split.
    - They have a unique shape and a plural.
    - You can use numbers in front of them to express their amount.
    - You can use indefinite articles (a / an) in front of them.

    The uncountable nouns are things that can not be counted, grouped or separated, so only have a singular form.

    -No one can count.
    -They can be used with the indefinite articles (a / an). before them.
    -Always use the singular verb.

  8. The count nouns can be counted, have a singular and a plural form.
    You can use numbers in front of them to express their amount.
    You can use indefinite articles (a / an) in front of them.

    Words like sugar and money are countless in Spanish, since we can not say two sugars, three money.

  9. The nouns countable are those that they can be counted and the nouns uncountable are they need a modifier to express amount . Also keep in when either of them are accompanied by the following adjectives: many, much, any or some.

  10. differences between countable and uncountable :

    the differece among conuntable and uncountable noun is:
    the countables nouns can count with the numbers, unlike, the uncountable nouns use exact measurement.

    Accounting substantive can be counted ( a car, two bees ) and Countless need a paragraph expressing amount modifier (a glass of water).
    The words like sugar and money are countless in Spanish , since we can not say two sugars , three money .

    English also exist and have the following characteristics :

    They can be used to Articles a, an - is incorrect to say to money can not be pluralized . - It is incorrect to say three electricities " They take singular verb . The sugar is . - It is incorrect to say The sugar are ...

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. Countable

    The nouns countable are those that can be counted, group, or separate. Example: The pear.
    Can take the form singular and plural, when they are in its plural form is added to it a s in the end.and, can be accompanied by numbers, quantifiers, articles or adjectives
    Singular: I have a newpapaer
    Plural: I have three newpapers


    Are things that can't be counted, grouped or separated, so only has the singular form can be accompanied by the quantifier much, little, a little bit of.
    Example: Add a little milk.

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  15. the difference is that countable is when for example two balls can be counted,instead incountable is when you cannot count example two oils =)

  16. La diferencia entre estas clases de sustantivos es que los conntables son para singulares y plurales y los incontables solo plural, tambien se diferencian en su expresion de cantidad.

    1. Hi dear! Remember that you should write the comments in English.

  17. the difference between countable and who can be counted (one car, two bees) and countless require a modifier to express quantity (a glass of water).


  18. The difference is that the countable can be used for plural and singular and uncountable for singualr but there is that take into account the context of the phrase or sentence

  19. in the lengage english exist the nouns that put be countables and be noun-contables, countables like car or bees (two cars; three bees)... and the noun-countables be like a money or sugar because is imposiblle say two money or three sugar...

  20. Nouns: countable and uncountable …
    Countable nounsSome nouns refer to things which, in English, are treated as separate items which can be counted. These are called countable nouns. Here are some examples: …
    Uncountable nounsIn English grammar, some things are seen as a whole or mass. These are called uncountable nouns, because they cannot be separated or counted. …
    Countable and uncountable nouns with different meaningsSome nouns can be used either countably or uncountably, but with different meanings.

  21. The count nouns can be counted (one car, two bees) and countless require a modifier to express quantity (a glass of water).

    What are uncountable nouns?

    The words like sugar and money are countless in Spanish, since we can not say "two sugars", "three money".

  22. Countable nouns can be counted (a/one book, two books, a lot of books), while uncountable nouns cannot (a/one news, two freedoms). Therefore, uncountable nouns only have singular forms and are followed by singular verbs.

  23. accounting nouns are those who can be counted such as bananas or pears, on the contrary uncountable nouns are those that can not be counted such as water or oil.
    to use the sigular countable and plural nouns and in the countless only used the singular.
    Ingrid Bolivar

  24. The count nouns are those that can be counted and have plural nouns not accounting, or countless are those who can not be counted and, therefore, have no plural. In this group we usually include all substances, materials and abstract qualities.

    The uncountable nouns are things that can not be counted, grouped or separated, so only have a singular form. Generally these nouns refer to abstractions like trust, advice, etc. O groups such equipment.

    The count nouns are easy to recognize, they are things we can tell, merged or split, such as books or books, one book can have two or three, or perhaps a group of books.

  26. countable nouns refer to things we can count using numbers. they have a form for singular and one for plural. the singular can use the determinad "a"or"an". with the accounting plural. me interesting because i understood care theme.

  27. The count nouns can be counted (a car, two bees).
    and countless require a modifier to express quantity (a glass of water).

      countable: The count nouns are easy to recognize, they are things we can tell, merged or split, such as books can have one book, two or three, or perhaps a group of books.
    You can count.
    They have a unique shape and a plural.
    You can use numbers in front of them to express their amount.
    You can use indefinite articles (a / an) in front of them.

    uncountable nouns: The words like sugar and countless money since we can not say 'two Arinas "" Ten snows ".
    Characteristics :
    They have no plural form.
    You can not tell.
    They can be used with the indefinite articles (a / an) in front of them.
    Always use the singular verb.
    Daniela Ktherin Chaparro Garcia.

  28. The biggest difference is that the uncountable nuons are classified by measure and the countable nuons can be countabe.

  29. The biggest difference is that the uncountable nuons are classified by measure and the countable nuons can be countabe.

  30. substantive accounting can be counted (a sweet, two cows).
    and countless require a modifier to express quantity (a glass of red).

      countable: The count nouns are easy to recognize, they are things we can count and group such as notebook notebook can have one, two or three notebooks.

    uncountable nouns: The words like sugar and countless money since we can not say February 10 milk salt

  31. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    They are those that can be counted using numbers:

    two cars
    four phones
    seven coins

    They have a form for singular and one for plural,
    how many used to ask about the amount of a count noun.

    These words can not be counted


    identify ideas, objects physical qualities ETC... The countless names carry the singular verb.
    no plural form countless words.

  33. The nouns countable are those that they can be counted and the nouns uncountable are they need a modifier to express amount.

    The uncountable nouns are things that can not be counted, grouped or separated, so only have a singular form.

    The count nouns are easy to recognize, they are things we can tell, merged or split.

  35. The count nouns are those that can be counted and have plural nouns not accounting, or countless are those who can not be counted and, therefore, have no plural. In this group we usually include all substances, materials and abstract qualities

  36. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  37. Countable Nouns
    Countable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count. For example: "pen". We can count pens. We can have one, two, three or more pens. Here are some more countable nouns:

    dog, cat, animal, man, person
    bottle, box, litre
    coin, note, dollar
    cup, plate, fork
    table, chair, suitcase, bag
    Countable nouns can be singular or plural:

    My dog is playing.
    My dogs are hungry.
    We can use the indefinite article a/an with countable nouns:

    A dog is an animal.

  38. Uncountable Nouns
    Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot "count" them. For example, we cannot count "milk". We can count "bottles of milk" or "litres of milk", but we cannot count "milk" itself. Here are some more uncountable nouns:

    music, art, love, happiness
    advice, information, news
    furniture, luggage
    rice, sugar, butter, water
    electricity, gas, power
    money, currency
    We usually treat uncountable nouns as singular. We use a singular verb. For example:

    This news is very important.
    Your luggage looks heavy.
    We do not usually use the indefinite article a/an with uncountable nouns. We cannot say "an information" or "a music". But we can say a "something" of:

    a piece of news
    a bottle of water
    a grain of rice
    We can use some and any with uncountable nouns:

    I've got some money.
    Have you got any rice?
    We can use a little and much with uncountable nouns:

    I've got a little money.
    I haven't got much rice.
