martes, 3 de marzo de 2015


Watch the video, then answer the questions. 

In the comments, write down your answers: 
1. Why people honor International Women's Day around the world? 

2. According to your personal opinion who is the most remarkable woman in the human history?

I am not going to consider the comment if you do not use your personal email account. 

Friday Task
In a cardboard write a paragraph about the most remarkable woman you have chosen. Telling me her personal information and your reasons to select her. Paste a pic. (Be creative, do not copy and paste) 


48 comentarios:

  1. 1. People honor this Day because women are the most important being to mankind since they are the only ones with the power to procreate a living being within and outside them.
    And also because in the past I happened something very good and the bad see, them to make be respected and taken into account, smoke many deaths but they made us women now can be in mind for anything not like l old !!! thanks to them !!

    2. The most important woman of humanity for me is Maria because she wanted the best for his son Jesus and she agreed to be the mother of our savior.

  2. 1. People honor this day because women are very important for humanity, because we are the intermediary to get more life.

    2. for me the most important woman is maria, since she brought the world to jesus which sacrificed for us and for us.
    and also because I think qe the most important women are our mothers.

  3. 1__ commemorates the struggle of women for their participation on an equal footing with men in society and their full development as a person. for this and many other reasons women are and will be the heart of the world

    2__The most important woman of humanity for me is Mary, because she consedio jesus our creator padrey and was always a caring, loving woman with very dulse. and it reflects each of the women as they are all beautiful and valuable

  4. 1).....It is a day that is honored to women because it is a tradition that comes from much earlier because we appreciate all the things that makes a fighter and hardworking woman which enforces their rights..
    2)..... For me the most important woman is Maria as she fought for her son Jesus our savior who was crusificado by us and for us for a better world ..
    Also important for our worlds are women who are mothers as they saven which is lucharr in life....
    Daniela Katherin Chaparro Garcia
    11-01 J.M.

  5. from my point of view eight harness is held wing woman because they are the best thing on earth because they are everything to a man when he is in love because without them donot existiria eel love the tenderness and delicacy that is why there you always celebrate them their day and learn to appreciate and give love as they deserve

    2for me are three important women in my life that everything is Primroses virgin mary my mom and my grandma them are everything for me because each one takes care of me and want the best for my

  6. 1- R//the people honor International Women's Day around the world to remember those women who protested for what the women have voice in society and equality also recalling the more women who died for the same reason.

    2-R//the most remarkable woman in the human history is Teresa de Calcuta.

  7. 1. this day is well known as it is the struggle of women toward work with man and society

    2.the most remarkable woman is the woman who is respected and is valued and that persists to achieve their goals

    1. sorry.....the woman I choose marie curie is because it was a great discoverer

  8. 1: the people honor International Women's Day around the world to remember those women who protested for enforce their rights of women and also for the deaths that brought this.
    2: for me the most remarkable woman in the history of mankind is Juana De Arco because I fought in wars during the reign of Charles VII and was named a saint by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.

  9. 1-People celebrate International Women's Day because this being is of vital importance for humanity and that proved to be a fighter and is also what gives human life from its beginning and deserves to be valued
    2-2. The most important woman of humanity for me is Mary because she agreed to have Jesus in your bientre and give birth saviendo that was in danger but that does not care because it was good and pure soul

  10. 1) Is honored that in 1911, 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding that they receive payment for work and the right to vote in 1909, after the declaration of America's first national day of women in America. In 1910, Claire was the leader of the women in the second international conference on the social field in Germany said it should be held in each of the countries, this was supported in over 17 countries and was elected to Parliament. In 1911 resulted in the first international women's day.

    2) the most outstanding woman in history to my concept is Irena Sandler, since she was not a mother but take care of many children in the Second World War, and that's what most of her shoulder.

  11. 1. The persons in the whole world it celebrates the day of the woman since the fight of the woman is remembered or to reach an equality with the men in all the areas of the daily life and equally to improve the dignity and life of the woman

    2. For my the women of the history is Malala Yousafzai since she with only 17 years old I fight for the rights of the children, in addition fight for the education of the women in Pakistan, She is of Moslem nationality and this it made her a winner nobel

  12. 1°/ Since 1911 he is honest, because from that time women had the power to make themselves known and to vote on the things of life, Claire was the founder of Women's Day in the German Parliament gave a mandate to women have certain privileges and for winning was from there considered the international day of women.

    2°/ The woman was Juana de Arco shoulder, his courage, his leadership and his stay in the clergy while on the battlefield.

  13. 1) This day is honored because we women we struggle for our rights and gender equity also is honored because the woman is the only being who can bring life into this world.

    2)For me the most remarkable women in history been an Virgin Mary since she gave birth to Jesus created the world and us humans, and which our mothers gave us life and an fought for us against any circumstance that les gets in the way.

  14. 1- people honor International Women's Day remembering those women who lucharos for freedom and equality of genres besides that somehow influenced the story.

    2- the most remarkable woman in humanity for me is ana frank .

  15. 1..It is celebrated the day of the woman since the woman is the complement of the man because need
    of her day after day, and also for that they deserve the same rights and treatments of the men

    2.. I chose to Holy Teresa Of calcuta because she was a woman who was helping the poor mas of the poor and because queria to be an inspiring example for company

  16. 1. the internacional women´s day celebrate in honor to the women that on 1857 lost the life, fighting for his rights and for a dignified treatment.
    because in that time the women didn´t have voice or vote.
    2. for my the most remarkable woman in the history is irena sandler because her saved to tow thousand five houndred children of die in the jewish holocaust.

  17. 1-because it is a tribute to a being as valuable as it is women for their courage and love, because there are many who are an example to follow and in that time fought for their rights without fear of nothing

    2-for me is Irena Sendler because it is an example to follow as I take risks his life helping more than 2500 Jewish children in the second world war only a nurse looking for how to save them.

  18. 1.The people honor the day international of the women why the day 19 march 1911, the women fought by the equality of genre, his development as a person and within the society.

    2.For my the woman more important in the history is Irena Sendler because I help a many children risking his own life

  19. 1. This day is celebrated because in the past died 140 womans in a textile factory when they fight for her rights and other somethings like the "not job the infant". they were burned in the factory then LA ONU nominated the day 8 march the international day of womens.
    2. By my prespective i think that the womens more remarkable in the world are Maria teresa de calcuta and these 140 womens that died the 8 march.




  21. 1-All people celebrate International Women's Day around the world to remind women protesting for the rights of all women and that they were taking and despising and also the deaths that caused all this

    2-one of the most reprentativas and struggling for their rights women and animal rights she cuidava is dian fossey as it is a woman who has a great strength to peliar for their rights and the rights of cinios she cares as if they were children

  22. 1.el dia internacional de la mujer se celebra para todas esas mujeres guerras y luchadoras que decideron unir sus voces por un mundo mejor .. y tambien se honra al dia que muchas mujeres murieron por ser felices y unir su corazon
    2.I chose Benazir Bhutto a policy leader of the Liberal Party. was the first woman to hold the post of prime minister of a Muslim country. He led Pakistan twice. She was murdered in full political campaign.

  23. El día de la mujer se celebra por reconocer aquellas mujeres que lucharon y las que fueron quemadas es una fabrica de textil, después la ONU DECIDIÓ que marzo 8 fuera el día internacional de la mujer, que a mi punto de vista es bueno que reconozcan las cosas que pasan con una mujer ya que antes ni había equidad de genero. ! 2, la mujer que marco la historia para mi fue la pola ya que ella vivió y murio luchando por los derechos la igualdad de la mujer, una mujer reconocida y sera historia por los años de los años

  24. 1 One of the reasons why it is celebrated on the inetrnacionalmente woman is to commemorating the tragedy of March 25, 1911 where 147 women burned in a factory, also on March 8, 1917 killed one revolcuon is inition in rusi directed by women for food shortages, similarly to recognize the role of women in any situation, place or culture.

    2 For me one of the most remarkable women in history is Coco Chanel because it was a great lady of French fashion, who revolutionized fashion and fashion world of the interwar years.

  25. 1. International Women's Day is celebrated in honor women who died defending their rights in 1857.

    2. I chose indira gandhi because it is considered one of the most powerful women on earth. Conducting a country of 550 million people, dedicated talent that became Prime Minister of India to troubleshoot a nation of ancient culture and huge potential possibilities.

  26. 1.The International Day of Working Women also called International Women's Day, commemorates the struggle of women for their participation on an equal footing with men in society and their full development as a person. It is celebrated on March 8. It is a national holiday in some countries ...

    2.The woman who is important to me parco yt history is poli8carpa salavarieta, poruqe she always fought for equality and women's right to praise and died in their struggle.

  27. 1. On March 8 the struggle of women for their participation on an equal footing with men in society is held and because some years ago and many women died struggling to get by.

    2.For me the most important woman who is Teresa of Calcutta existed since she funfo one missionary congregation for charity to help the poor.

  28. 1. Women's Day is celebrated to commemorate the rights of women to reflect on the achievements that women gained , the struggle for their rights and equality before the law and society .
    2. Olympe de Gouges was for me one of the most remarkable women of history because it was the French bluestocking who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen considering that the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen proclaimed by the French Revolution did not cover half of humanity , ie women .

  29. 1- International Women's Day is honored worldwide by the value of Those Who Went women to a factory exiger Their rights and since then a we celebrate Women's Day by giving each a place on That Day

    2- to my review a Woman Who marked the history is the Mother Teresa of Calcutta since collaborated on many aids needy people and teach us many moral things in our lives for That Think reason is a Woman Who dealer to the evolution of international Women

  30. 1-People Honor International Women's Day Because It Is A Very Important Date Because It Remembers When Women Were Killed In The Company Since That News Was Very Sad, But Also Women Are Very Strong And The Men Must To Assess.

    2-To My Woman Is More Important Now Juana De Arco That She Is A French Heroine
    By:Jessy Gil =)

  31. 1) International Women's Day was created to honor some women who were burnt in a textile factory and after the UN declared March 8 as International Women's Day in 1975. Two years later he became the International Day Women and International Peace.

    2) because I wanted to helen keller choose because for me it is an inspiration and it was a great woman that despite his physical difficulties could cope.

  32. 1.because in this commemorates the fight hundreds of women for their participation, on an equal footing with men in society and their full development as a person.

    2.I chose a woman than from my point of view was very important for humanity, his name is Caterina Sforza, I chose because defend their rights and similarly his people

  33. 1) On 8 March is International Women's Day because it is a date in which the achievements in the fight for equality with women are held.
    since many women in an age could not aspire to high both political, economic and social level.
    thanks to that you can mark the days that women fought for cpnseguri a position worldwide.
    2) Evita Peron think it was a brave woman because I fight for the rights of workers and women, although his childhood is not been the best sack out their leadership

  34. 1) On 8 March is International Women's Day because it is a date in which the achievements in the fight for equality with women are held.
    since many women in an age could not aspire to high both political, economic and social level.
    thanks to that you can mark the days that women fought for cpnseguri a position worldwide.
    2) Evita Peron think it was a brave woman because I fight for the rights of workers and women, although his childhood is not been the best sack out their leadership

  35. 1) Women's Day was on March 25, took place a terrible event in New York in a shirt factory. A fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist killed more than 140 workers, many of them immigrants. The impact of the event was such that it caused labor legislative changes in the US and that his memory would be remembered in subsequent celebrations of the Day of Working Women.

    2) Nurses were few fighters Met Chaco.ellas an essential humanitarian role, risking their own lives to save the lives of wounded soldiers during the Chaco War

  36. 1) people do honor to this day for women than March 8, 1857 died protesting for their rights and better working conditions.

    2) for me the most remarkable woman in the history of mankind is valentina tereshkova for being the first woman to travel into outer space and to prove that women have the same physical and mental endurance than men.

  37. 1: The international women's day is celebrated in honor to those women who at the time were revealed and they did not allow our rights to remain in impunity, was indeed a very sad but at the same time thanks to them the women went out to float, and today, there is equality.
    And is also held because the women are very important for all humanity.
    I say without women, no men!

    2: I believe that the most important woman in the history of mankind has been the VIRGIN MARIA because she was the one that gave birth to that be wonderful JESÚS who gave his life for the forgiveness of the sins of us!


  38. 1- The International Women's Day refers to ordinary women as makers of history and rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in the society on an equal footing with men.
    2- The Woman I chose was Diana because she helped poor children in africa , and also chaired numerous charitable foundations.

  39. 1.The International Women's Day commemorates the struggle of women for their participation in deigualdad standing with men in society and their full development as a person. It is celebrated on March 8.

    2.for me the most important in the history of mankind is Marie Curie woman as she was the first to receive two Nobels at the same time and the first French woman to receive a Ph.D.

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  41. 1)International Women's Day is celebrated in commemoration of the anniversary of the tragedy in a textile factory in the city of New yor where they were burned dozens of women fighting for their rights as such
    2)joan of arc was a hero in the history of humanity and a revelation of its kind since led the victory of the French against the English at this time women were seen as people who did not perform well in these fields so escoji to this woman because I think that is an example for this society so macho.

  42. 1 for me one of the great women who changed the world is Mother Teresa of Calcutta for their actions and activities that made healing the sick not caring who were poor

    2 for me one of the great women who changed the world is Mother Teresa of Calcutta for their actions and activities that made healing the sick not caring who were poor

  43. 1. The International Women's Day celebrated in commemoration of women who in 1857 gave their lives fighting for their rights and decent treatment at that time was bad because at that time women were not entitled to vote
    2. for me the most important woman in history is Amelia Earhart because she was the first woman to cross the Pacific Ocean by plane and helped defend the rights of women
    by: jonathan steven arroyo

  44. 1.March 8th day was recognized to honor women who were burned in a factory since a small celebration for fighting woman becomes.
    2.For me one of the women who made history was Juana de Arco as she was a hero for France and delivering all the battles leading the army.
    By:Valentina Loaiza
