viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018






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  1. A conditional sentence is used to explain situations that can happen with possibilities less than 100%. So, you say the action that will happen and its most possible consequence.For example: If I fight with my family, I won't stay on their Christmas Eve.

  2. In English, most sentences that use conditional tense contain the term "if". Many of the conditional constructions of English are used in sentences that include verbs in the past. This use is called the unreal past.

  3. a conditional sentence is a sentence in which the action is not safe has a dependence on another action then you can not ensure something because it can not be fixed that action will happen

  4. the conditional could be said to be a language tool that is used when one action depends on another. Conditionals are used to talk about real or unreal situations. for example if I put the water in the fridge it will become ice but the affirmation can be different depending on the conditional since, the conditionals are used to speculate about what could happen, what may have happened and what we would like to happen.

  5. The use of conditional means that one action depends on another. Conditionals are used to talk about real or unreal situations. In general, conditional phrases carry the word "if".

  6. Conditional sentences are statements discussing known factors or hypothetical situations and their consequences. Complete conditional sentences contain a conditional clause often referred to as the if-clause and the consequence.

  7. Conditional phrases are used when you want to express a possible action and its consequence.
    There are several types of conditional phrases. One can speak of the first conditional, the second conditional, and even the conditional "zero".

  8. The conditional sentence is used in phrases where the action is not safe, so it has a chance of it happening. For example: If I lose the first two periods the same subject is possible that I did not pass


  9. check the blog write in the comments what is a condition
    conditional sentences serve to describe situations that may occur in the future or that may not happen but also serve to say past actions that will not change

  10. In these sentences the if clause is in the simple present, and the main clause is in the simple future.

  11. the conditional is defined as in an action that relizarla depend on it, plus the condition can also be negative in real actions, not real and imaginary a clear example is If Maria arrived early to class, she will pass her class, the condition starts with "if" which means if, they are classified as zero, first, second, third condition.

  12. A conditional is a language tool that is used when one action depends on another, changed types of signing depending on the conditional used, conditionals are also used for speculation about possible events.

  13. the conditionals are used to speculate what is going to happen, what happened and what would it be like to happen, is it used in a verb tense with the term "if"

  14. Conditional sentences inform about a condition to be fulfilled or what is stated in the main sentence is not fulfilled. These sentences express what it would have to happen to happen as indicated by the predicate of the sentence.
    ~If you want me to go, I'll go with you.

  15. A conditional sentence is a type of a condition and the outcome of that condition occurring. Conditional sentences are made up of a dependent sentences and an independent sentences joined to express said condition.



    The conditional sentences indicate than action take places if a certain condition. These sentences are usually distinguished from the others because they begin with the conjunction if.
    And they have up to 100 percentage of being possibilites. For example:
    -- I accompany you if you go to the party with me

    Although there are types of conditions such as real and conjunctions.

  17. It serves to refer to a hypothetical or unlikely condition and its probable outcome. These sentences do not allude to a real situation. In conditional type 2 sentences, the time frame is now or at any time and the situation is hypothetical.

  18. The condicional sentences are very important because is used to indicate expressions.
    The terms more used are "if" and "Will".

  19. For its sentences the '' if '' is used, the conditional is used to decipher what could happen, could have happened or should it happen

  20. The use of conditional means that one action depends on another. Conditionals are used to talk about real or unreal situations. In general, conditional phrases carry the word "if"

  21. the contidional says that if something happens that will have an effect
    If you study, you will pass the test


  22. Conditional sentences are used to express an action that depends on another and are real or unreal situations that are 100% true

  23. Conditional sentences are used when the condition and the result is completely possible
    If you heat water to 100°C, it boils.
    You can also replace "if" for "when" without changing the meaning of the sentence.

  24. The use of conditional refers to the implementation of the elements or words to conjugate a condition and that in this way an action that can be false or questionable depends on the sentence that is shown.

  25. The conditional sentences indicate than action take places. It is also used to explain situations that can happen with possibilities lower than 100%. although it can also be negative in non-real, real and imaginary actions. like: if camila is called, she will answer, the condition starts with "if", which means if, they are classified as zero, first, second, third condition.

  26. What are conditional sentences?

    Are those that indicate that each action has an effect, these are distinguished by that they begin with the conjunction "if". First is said the action that will happen and then its possible consequences

    * If it rains, I will get wet
    * If I fall, I will hurt myself

  27. the conditional is a tool that is used when one action depends on another. Conditionals are used to talk about real or unreal situations. Conditionals are used to speculate about what might happen, what may have happened.

  28. explain that conditional sentences give an understanding of the lower possibility that something happens and has as a consequence a consequence or its actions are negative or positive

  29. the use of conditional can be used when one action depends on another and to speculate possible results or desired results
